Merging science and spirit, I guide individuals in achieving their highest goals and dreams, in relationships and life.
Using her own and her client's journeys as blueprints for success, Kimble is known as the 'relationship alchemist', 'soul whisperer', and 'unblocker' for reconnecting people to their souls' harmony, passion, and purpose, propelling them into the future of their dreams.
Welcome to the transformational journey of a lifetime! My name is Kimble and specialize in Relationship Alchemy, Personal Empowerment, and L:eadership Evolution. I am a Bestselling Author, and the creator of the internationally recognized, Monarch Method for Empowerment and Evolution.
With over 3 decades of guiding individuals and leaders from barely surviving to fully thriving and finally living their dreams, I'll guide you in unlocking your next level potential and achieving your goals using the latest in Neuroscience, Transpersonal Psychology, Behavioral Epigenetics, and Metaphysics.
You'll be guided through the process of developing a thriving relationship mindset by tapping into your core blueprint along with the extraordinary abilities you already have within you, enabling you to make and sustain the changes you desire in your life.
Here, you can make lasting change and take your life and career to the next level.
Looking Forward, Kimble

My life has been a journey...
As a teen, I was depressed, desperately shy, and at times suicidal. Determined not to succumb to these feelings, I entered my 20's angry and driven. This mindset served me well, as I rose quickly as a leader in the juvenile justice system.
My success in this violent and emotionally traumatic system was directly linked to my own unresolved anger, which made me really good at kicking ass and making things happen. However, that same anger continued to work against me in every other area of my life and eventually at work. My personal life and relationships were an ongoing train wreck. No surprise, as anger and control aren't very compatible with sustainable success, growth, love, and grace.
Desperate for some harmony and deep connection in my life, I entered my 30's with a fierce determination to 'find' myself. At 35, the Universe saw fit to bring a spiritual guide and counselor into my life - this woman's wisdom and guidance forever changed me.
With an unquenchable thirst for more learning and discovery about this newly discovered world of intuition, inner knowing, and real power I began my search for more - more learning, more growth, and more self-discovery. I decided to go back to school for my PhD in Transpersonal Psychology (the psychology of the human energy fields with a focus on human development potential.
I entered my 40's with a sense of purpose, a knowing of who I was, who I wanted to become, and the legacy I desired to leave in the world. My 'I AM' began spilling forth. Sticking with the familiar, I used my education and experience as a consultant; successfully and lucratively creating start-ups and turning around failing businesses. Then I decided to start my own brick-n-mortar business, I started 3 businesses and they all failed...still more personal work to do.
My 50's proved to be the tipping point. I wrote and self-published my first book, then wrote 4 more books, one of which became a #1 bestseller. I launched my current business - Catalyst Enterprises Worldwide, LLC - and my success continues to sky rocket along with my own personal growth and expansion.
Now, in my 60's, harmony is the center point of my life and I apply the lessons, experiences, and all I have and continue to learn to the principles and strategies that create extraordinary success for those I serve.

My career has been a privilege and an honor...
Kimble Greene, PhD, is a bestselling author, relationship alchemist, leadership evolutionist, and ontological coach, and a trailblazer. As the Founder and Chief Catalyst of Catalyst Enterprises Worldwide, LLC, she serves individuals and leaders across the globe seeking healing, support, and guidance as they move through blocks and evolve from surviving to thriving.
In 2010, Kimble translated the philosophies and strategies she'd been using successfully for years into 5+ books.
Those philosophies, now known as the Catalyst Factor are the foundation for The Monarch Method - the internationally
recognized 3-step approach for personal development and evolutionary leadership.
With a PhD in Psychology and research translation in behavioral epigenetics, neuroscience, and quantum physics,
Kimble has 35+ years success as an executive, consultant , entrepreneur, and counselor.
She is also an intuitive and modern shaman with several certifications in energy medicine and alternative healing.
As a trail blazer and thought leader, Kimble continues to educate, support, and serve as a catalyst
for healing, growth, and success.
"You already are who you've been waiting for!"