For People With Goals
The Monarch MethodTM
Personal Empowerment Program
WELCOME to your Monarch journey!
It's time to...Clear your past, Claim your present, and Transform your future.
"The Monarch Method™ is a game-changer."
These are the program books you will receive in the mail:

Your Monarch Method manual.

Please use your Monarch Method Personal Journal for all program related practices, exercises, reflections, and assignments as well as for your personal musings and journaling.

The Monarch Method Oracle Cards will be introduced and used in Chapter 10. However, please feel free to explore them in the meantime.
How It Works
Purpose: The Monarch Method™ for Personal Empowerment is a 3-step process for identifying and shifting the blocks that create barriers to achieving and sustaining well-being and success. During this course you will:
Identify the things that are blocking you
Create new strategies and beliefs that support your goals moving forward
Move past the old behaviors and thoughts that are keeping you stuck
Implement the shifts you desire for lasting change
Design: In this personalized setting you will work directly with Kimble via video sessions, modules and readings. The course is designed to integrate self-guided learning through reading and writing as well as guided discoveries, exploration, and conversation with Kimble.
Prepare for a journey of fun, discovery, solutions, and empowerment!
Create your own schedule, work from the private place you choose, and transform on your terms.
Format: Kimble has created a systematic sequence of modules and practices that will give you a clear path to learning, self-discovery, shifting and transformation. You’ll receive videos and materials to support your learning and practices, including:
The Monarch Method™ 3-book set: (You Are Not Broken!, Oracle Card Deck, Personal Journal)
The Core Instincts Quiz
Virtual Modules and content
Bi-weekly private 60-minute video sessions with Dr. Kimble Greene
Unlimited email support for the duration of the program
What You Need for the Program
Technology: For this program you will need a desk or laptop computer with access to the internet. This program does not view correctly on a phone or other mobile device.
Materials: The Monarch Method 3-book set is included with the program.
Space: Please create private time and space for reading, writing, processing, and your video sessions with Kimble.
Time: Each aspect of the structured program and readings involves varying amounts of time each week - typically 1-2 hours. Beyond that, the time you put in to yourself and your growth is up to you.
Commitment: As with most things, the time and energy you devote are relative to your results and outcome. The steps and practices I include in The Monarch Method are essential to deep, lasting change and goal achievement. The excitement of learning and understanding a new concept is the spiritual half of your journey. Creating cognitive, psychological, and energetic change is the second half of your journey. Both are essential to sustainable growth - for going from surviving to thriving!
Please take the Core Instincts Quiz prior to our 1st session
**If you haven't already done so, please take the CORE INSTINCTS QUIZ - your results will help us both clarify where you are today
and the areas of focus moving forward. You will receive your percentage results immediately with a more detailed evaluation emailed from Kimble.
(the Leadership version is optional)
Note: the program has been specifically engineered to guide you in self-discovery as you reveal your outdated core beliefs. Each module accompanies a book chapter, so please only read those chapters indicated in each module. Additionally, please make notes in your manual and/or journal regarding your thoughts, comments, questions, etc. - this will help us both drill down to your hidden outdated beliefs. Your reading assignments will begin in Module 1.
This personalized 1:1 program is organized into 12 Modules, delivered over 4-6 months with 12 bi-weekly video sessions lasting 60-90 minutes.
Module 1 – A Beginning
Focus: How did I get here?
Module 2 – You Are The Catalyst
Focus: The Catalyst Factor
Module 3 – You Are Not BrOKen!
Focus: Where and Why
Module 4 –Well Being
Focus: Being well and purpose
Module 5 – The Rules
Focus: Rules, Power and Control
Module 6 – The Essence of Love
Focus: Love, Relating and Challenge
Module 7 – Freedom
Focus: Change and Forgiveness
Module 8 – Goals
Focus: The Monarch Method Step 1
Module 9 – History
Focus: The Monarch Method Step 2
Module 10 – Out with the Old
Focus: The Monarch Method Step 3a
Module 11 – In with the New
Focus: The Monarch Method Step 3b
Module 12 – Moving Forward
Focus: Silver Linings
Closing discussions, staying in touch
Please reach out if you have inquiries, challenges, etc. - all questions are good ones ;-)
Welcome again to clearing your past, claiming your present, and transforming your future!
I look forward to getting to know you.
Living Soul Forward, Kimble