Inspirational quotes and images you can download or share.
'YOU make a difference." Kimble
"Your value is inherent in your existence." Kimble
"At our core, we are Divine beings of light and love." Kimble
"You have the exact mind, body, heart and soul meant for this life journey." Kimble
"Faith is believing in that which you cannot see." Kimble
"The most vital form of love is self love."
"You have the power to shift your perspective in every moment." Kimble
"The ability to achieve your greatest dreams and desires comes from within." Kimble
"You have the ability to create fascinating things and amazing circumstances." Kimble
"Power comes from within...you already possess all the power you need." Kimble
" The answers already exist within you." Kimble
" Power is an inner capacity which influences everything within and around you - it is limitless." Kimble
"We are not our limitations, we are our strengths." Kimble
"You have everything it takes to live your most inspired life." Kimble
"There is no human being who knows you better than you know yourself." Kimble
"Let your faith outshine your fear." Kimble
"You are perfection...just as you are." Kimble
"Somewhere inside, you already are who you've been waiting for."
"you contribute by simply being you." Kimble
"You are wise." Kimble
"Trust your intuition...It is the highest form of intelligence and wisdom." Kimble
"You are powerful beyond measure." Kimble
"Let your spirit soar!" Kimble
"Let your heart be your guide." Kimble
"Light the fire within!" Kimble
"You are both the journey and the destination." Kimble
"You are more powerful than you realize." Kimble